We are continuously working on new features to improve our software. This article provides insights on what we are working on at the moment so you know what’s coming. It will be updated after each release. However, not all features are necessarily part of the next release. This list shows work in progress after all.

Conversion path attribution

We’re working on conversion path attribution which would make it possible to reward multiple touch points on the conversion path based on several models.

Advertiser Marketplace

After the initial release of the Advertiser Marketplace we are working on extending it with search and filters. We will also make this view available for providers. As a second step we will add advanced filtering on KPIs and the possibility to save filter and column configurations in a ‘view’.

Ad inventory profiles

Ad inventory profiles will allow advertisers and providers to see all key information about an ad inventory in a single place. It will critical KPIs to determine quality, size and the track record of the ad inventory in the marketplace.

We are working on new tracking links that are based directly on the ad ID and the ad inventory ID. This is necessary to accommodate our intended growth without running into issues where tracking links are slow to update. For example after a paused offer is activated again. This will also speed up several reports, such as the transaction report.


  • Fix an issue where the buttons on the sign in and sign up pages are not using the branded colors.

  • Fix an issue where some recipients from auto trades remain in status ‘preview’.

  • Fix an issue where users are not properly redirected after sign in when their session timed out.

  • Fix an issue where certain finance documents do not get the .PDF extension when the file is downloaded.

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